What's interesting is that they say we aren't any smarter than those dudes & dudettes doing the "walk like an Egyptian" on the pyramid-era murals... not genetically speaking at least.

We are truly standing on the shoulders of giants, beneficiaries of an inverse pyramid of knowledge that has often been in spite of (impeded by) religious entities.

And so it is with evolution. Whether our understanding of it is exact or complete (very unlikely), it does represent entire lifetimes and careers of very smart people working very hard to suss out what happened and when. It is only because their findings are in contradiction to the literal word of fundamentalist religions that there's even this debate. For religion to acknowledge evolution is to admit that their tomes are not actually holy as written. As some have ably illustrated here, that's not a problem for, let's call them "modern" interpretations of religious books. But it IS a problem, a big one, for the fundies.

Luckily, the views of the various fundies of the world are becoming more and more marginalized. It's only through the political process that they are able to assert their kookery into school textbooks and the like. In other words, only when they can play the might makes right card.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two