Originally Posted by Crockettnj
Originally Posted by Steven_CO
... Based on the Creationist perspective, this Jurassic Mother is simply another species but created by intelligent design regardless, caught in the flood event, and buried quickly. Therefore, it cannot be proven to be a transitional creature to Creationists.

This is the part that I was hoping the thread would get to. It intrigues me, as I know very little of how staunch "creationists" explain things.

Allosaurus fossils have been found. There exist quite a few. If this fossil represents a created organism that was trapped and killed off in the flood event, then it must have existed alive just prior to the flood. Therefore the allosaurus was alive and well during human existence?

If so, why are there no first hand discussions / mentions in any books/bible of dealing with / living with of such a thoroughly amazing creature? Its a tough one to swallow. (substitute diplodicus if you like... )

Good question. It gets better though. Where did those creatures wind up after the flood? If Noah gathered 2 of each of these creatures onto the ark, then what happened? The assumption is that the creatures on the ark were not necessarily full grown.

Dr. Gish of ICR once published a book called "Tracking those Incredible Dinosaurs and the People Who Knew Them" It was in regard to tracks on the Paluxi River in Texas where it appeared that human tracks and large reptile tracks were at the same site. Later that was disputed and the tracks had deteriorated to the point that Dr. Gish removed that book from circulation because of the dispute. However, he always believed that those tracks were genuine and had degraded and to some extent, been vandalized.

Interestingly enough, this sauropod petroglyph in Utah shown below has been a source of contention since it's doubtful it was a self portrait. There are other petroglyphs where creatures resembling dinosaurs have been drawn in stone. This would have been after the flood.

[Linked Image]

Herodotus' wrote an account of Alexander the Great's story of a giant hissing beast that lived in a cave in India. Writings about Marco Polo suggest eye witness accounts as well as the legends from China and their dragons. And there was a story about a giant dragon like beast that had long horns much larger than an ox, perhaps resembling a triceratops that was killed near Nerluc, France in 1572. I could go on and on, but these are all anecdotal.

So why not the Bible? If the Bible contained everything that went on before the current era, it would be a very large book. But that isn't really the point of the Bible. It's more of a guide book to salvation.

However, there are some passages that elude to beasts, beginning with the creation of beasts, which isn't very telling, but it does distinguish them from cattle. But, there are others, for example, in the Book of Job, God is giving Job a bit of a Father-son chat. In Job 40:15-19 "Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox. Lo now, his strength is in his loins, and his force is in the navel of his belly. He moveth his tail like a cedar: . . . His bones are as strong pieces of brass; his bones are like bars of iron. He is the chief of the ways of God." "Behemoth" is an English transliteration from the original Hebrew word. But that doesn't really describe anything we know of besides a sauropod of some sort. This is the only place that the word "behemoth" shows up in the Bible in this form, I think. The Book of Job, incidentally may very well be the oldest book of the Bible. In the Apocryphal books, there were stories of dragons being slain and the like as well. However, I haven't studied those much, being brought up as a baptist.
