Originally Posted by M77shooter
Good post. Nowhere does history record that a plant became an animal but still people believe. It takes so much more faith to believe in evolution than it does to believe in a Creator.

No! You are missing it by a lot. I don't discount the creation theory a bit. It fits nicely into our need to believe that there is something else out they is greater than man. Creation provides comfort, especially as we near death. I have taken a number of evaluation-based classes in collage ( I minored in Biology) and I have not ever had a Prof. that made any effort to suggest that a plant evolved into an animal, period.

The concept of peer reviewed studies and theories centers around that the theory is placed under scrutiny and examined to be dis-proven, not proven or supported. A second or 3rd or (4th.-1,00000th) examination may not be able to punch a hole in a theory but experiments do not work to prove or support a theory. The whole idea is to examine all angles and prove it wrong.

There is plenty of fossil evidence that supports the link that earlier species evolve over VERY LONG periods of geological time. The theory of evaluation is a leap of faith that the earth has been around for millions of years not less that 10,000 as bible stories would have you believe.

Remember that the Roman Catholic Church supports evaluation and it is taught in most catholic high schools. A friend of mine who is a Jesuit Brother explained it to me like this�The Catholic Church is an evolving church because our God is an evolving god.

Ignorance is something to attempt to educate yourself out of even if it means that you might evolve into something new and more complex. Now that is quite a concept!

I was born and raised a Catholic and my mother was a Republican State Committee member, I am recovering from both

Last edited by northwestalaska; 03/15/12.