I don't know that evolution is being taught as a fact. Been out of school a while. It was taught to me as the most likely conclusion given the available evidence. That's how science should be taught. Scientists have done themselves no favors with the global warming crap for sure. Saying things like "the debate is settled" is absolutely contrary to how it's supposed to work and gives rise to all sorts of suspicions about other science. Physicist lay awake at night thinking of ways to poke holes in other physicist's theories and that's how it should be.

Critical thinking should be taught. Kids should be taught to look at the evidence, draw falsifiable conclusions based on the evidence, and adjust accordingly when new evidence is available. If they understand that, then it is a given that everything from evolution to quantum mechanics is subject to revision if contrary evidence presents itself.

Teaching creation is like teaching transubstantiation in that they are not falsifiable. Both are removed from the physical world and can't be proven or tested one way or another.