Did God fake all of the fossil evidence to make the earth look older than it really is?
Did God fake all of the geological evidence to make the earth look older than it really is?
Did God fake all of the other scientific evidence (chemical, biological, etc.) to make the earth look older than it really is?

God does send a deluding influence on those who wish to beleive a lie. But for the above qustions the World Wide Flood of Noah's day explains all you are asking about. I am not a scientist but do wonder how, if evoloution is true how did the radio active elements evolve from hydrogen and then begin their decay rate? When a radio active element is discovered how do we know some of it was not washed into place or leached out over the "millions" of years? We don't! There are just too many assumptions for the serious student.

Science shows bones quickly disappear soon after animals die. With a flood the size of Noah's there would be huge amounts of water borne sediments trapping millions of animals and burying them quickly. Thus they would be protected from destruction by bacteria or preditors. There is nothing in uniformitarianism which begins to explain the huge fossil grave yards found in various places in the world. Consider the numbers of bison and carier pigions killed in this contry. Where are the fossils?

I can tell from this post you did not read the essay with gobs of scientific evidence for a young universe; which demands a young earth.

"Only Christ is the fullness of God's revelation."
Everyday Hunter