Originally Posted by BrentD
I'd be curious how those who are anti-evolution think it is prevented from happening.

If you have
1. genetical inheritence from parents to offspring
2. genetic variance

How do you prevent evolution? Must be powerful, whatever it is. Maybe someone here could work out the math for us.

No rational, educated person doubts that species evolve. That fact has absolutely no ability to explain how we got here in the first place, IE Miller-Urey.

The math HAS been done, by a lot of Ph.D geneticists/math whizzes, and they say 3.8 Billion times about a million or so years would be required for it to have ever occurred, and there are a LOT of reasons why the universe could never be that old. So, yes, the math has been done, and honest scientists, a lot of them secular-humanist/atheists themselves, say evolution as it is taught to high-schoolers and Bio 101 college freshmen is, as Teller would say, BULLSCHIT!

It was either Watson or Crick (the discoverers of the DNA helix) would postulated that life got here from aliens. He, early on, understood the cell was so complex it could never, ever have evolved from non-life, ala Miller-Urey.