Originally Posted by BrentD

Now, that is a HOOT!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for the laugh, though I hesitate to do so at your expense. It does, however, prove you don't understand the notion of proof.

BTW, I don't believe in evolution, I understand it and accept that it has to happen because it cannot be otherwise. The simple pair of facts that I listed and which even you have to accept, make it impossible that evolution cannot happen w/o devine intervention. I'm looking for how you prove that this has happened.

Oh, I do understand proof. But the proof that I live by can mean life or death. Not just where did this bug come from type proof. I design bridges and have to prove that my bridges will stand every day. I do that with math that is generally beyond most folk's understanding and even if I tried to explain it, eyes begin glazing over and it would be a further waste of time.

I also understand that neither of these hypotheses, Creationism, nor evolution, nor a couple of other hypotheses that I can dream up can be proven, or really dis-proven for that matter. And that IS by divine design. This is simply because the Lord God Almighty wants us to have faith in Him without looking for or needing a sign of some sort. I read that in a book. Opening up our heart to allow our spirit to communicate with His is where the knowledge of His power to do with this universe as He sees fit is derived. Really, that's all I need. With all due respect, I don't need anything from you or anyone else's approval or proof or what have you.

So, don't take it too heavily your being humored at my expense. I did so willingly, knowing full well that it was with a bit of levity and a bit of a waste of time. But it was mine to waste.

