Need one
<br>Nobody ever said you or anyone else should buy this equipment. I mentioned it as to let you or anyone else know we are VERY prepared for the long shot when needed and have all the neccessary equipment. We practice all year to be able to use this equipoment correctly. You know the old saying, practice makes perfect.
<br>Lets compare our equipment to the Doctor who wants a fine rifle and pays $5000.00 or more to have his Sauer highly engraved because he likes fine looking rifles to carry in the woods and shoot it 50 or 100 yards.
<br>Hunting styles is a personal decision to make by anyone. The amount he spends on the style he chooses and equipment he buys is nobodys business as long as the equipmnt meets all State laws pertaining to hunting game.
<br>We also have long barreled rifles with bi-pods that are light weight (10# and good to 1250 Yards) in which we pack our Freighter Back-packs with light "bigeyes", a small tripod, thermos, food and carry our equipment out to far ridges (that we have previously pre-ranged the yardages on a picture) to survey the far mountains all day. This is not unlike the the hunter that sits or stands on his favorite deer spot in Pennsylvania or any State. We just do it at greater distance.
<br>You don't have to walk or ride a horse all day to call it the "ONLY way" EVERYONE should hunt.
<br>If your preferance is to do that, fine. Ours is to kill the game clean and at ranges you can't believe mainly because you may not have been around the longrange groups or have no desire to try it. That's fine too.
<br>You hunt your way and we will hunt ours because we enjoy it and know what our rifles are capable of doing way out there. Most short range shooters have NO idea what their rifle's are capable of. We have a 11 Lb rifle class at Williamsport where those with factory rifles shoot at 1000 yards. You would be surprised at the groups and the bullet energy that is maintained at 1000 yards from these factory rifles.
<br>Remember, most of us started hunting the way you do until we learned there are other ways.
<br>Hunting game is a personal preferance and that's why the game comminsions offer so many different seasons and game animals to eleminate. The way you choose to do it (within the laws and rules) is your decision to make. Sort of like, you hunt your way and we will hunt ours.
<br>We are certainly not trying to convert you to our ways. We just want you and everyone else to know that, Longrange hunting is becoming VERY popular and we will gladly try and help anyone who wants to know how we do it.
<br>As a last point of interest.
<br>Longrange hunters have NEVER had a hunting accident or caused the wounding or death of another hunter. The short range hunters can't say that at all, especially with their snap shots at game running in the woods.
<br>Through our "Bigeyes" we know where EVERY piece of Orange is on the far mountain/s and will NEVER shoot if another hunter is within 1000 yards of that animal. No game animal is worth hurting another hunter over and I mean NO animal.
<br>I personally have waited all day till a hunter left the mountain so I could kill a bedded elk we picked up at first light.
<br>There are no "kill yardage limits" in the game law book in any State I'm aware of.
<br>There are NO moral yardage limits as to how far or how close one wishes to hunt and kill game.
<br>Kill is kill and dead is dead.
<br>Your way is fine for you and our way is fine with us. We are all after the same final result, That is to find and kill the animal we are after.
<br>We have never lost one yet and that's considering a "bunch" of elk and deer that we have killed over the years.
<br>Darryl Cassel

Last edited by Darryl_Cassel; 02/25/02.