<br>Actually we approach the job from the South end of that rip. We are working about 10 miles south of it and are departing from a different location,rather than from town here. So we get to ride in the rig for an hour,to hop in the boat for 45 minutes,to get to another rig,to drive a ways,then hike in to work. It is about as much fun,as it sounds like too.
<br>I sent Littlebit video from the rescue mission on "Operation Snoopy Tent",with the high speed Elk Hunters. Amazing to me,that more people don't kill themselves here.
<br>The best way to handle an all-knowing Boss,is to let him flounder in front of the whole crew. then when he is at a total loss and nearing panic,you point the direction to go.
<br>We'll have little trouble with him,until the humble wears off. I'm curious to see how long that takes(grin).................

Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."