Hi SealSniper/Darryl/PBLR.Darryl do you know who PBLR is?????I'll bet you do.If anyone out there has any doubt about LRH. I urge you to buy a copy of POINT BLANK FROM LONG RANGE.If you watch the video you will have a better understanding of how it is done.We could try to explain it to you until we are blue in the face.You know the old saying a picture is worth a thousand word's.A 53 minute long video is worth a hundred thousand.There will also be a HOW-TO video released in the near future that will show HOW it is done.THE RIGHT WAY.And the SAFE WAY.If you are interested in either video e-mail keenvisionvideosuscom.net and they will hook you up.It was the best $24.95 I ever spent....