<br>You hit it on the head. First you gotta have the know how/skill. Then you gotta have the tools. I saw you hit what you were aiming at,over 720yds away with the first shot and that with a nasty old X bullet and EVERYONE knows they "don't shoot". It wasn't a critter,but a small rock on a snow field. None of that was luck.
<br>I was laughing in my misery today,as we have a new Boss fresh from DownSouth,that was gonna educate us all on navigation "skills". He left from port,with about 400yd visibility in the fog and a SE wind that was gusting to 40mph .Neither a good idea,and dangerous in conjunction,during this time of year. 50/50 snow and rain mix,and about 35degrees isn't the weather you want to play "Survivor" in.
<br>Long story short,we allowed him to stay lost for 2hrs,until I could take no more and had to chime in. We were less than 3 miles due South of where you happened to kill that Bear you mention,when I turned the boat around and pointed on the chart where we were and where we needed to go(about 15miles South of that location). I left the house at 4:30AM this morning in the crummy,didn't get back home until 10:15AM and never made a nickel for my troubles. I can see where I'm going to lose my civil nature with my all-knowing Boss and there is going to be fireworks. It's guys like him,that get themselves killed up here,every year.
<br>Anyhow,funny you mentioned your Bear and I was so very close to that location this morning. Though certainly NOT on purpose!....................

Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."