Guys -
<br>I have a copy of the Point Blank at Long Range (PBLR, Darryl) video, and, to all those who say it can't be done, I say, send $24.95 to Keenvision and watch it happen.
<br>You can actually see the heat signature (I guess that's what it is) of the bullet as it arcs in on the deer. Just incredible. I've just about worn the tape out watching it, and just looking at it is addictive - the missus is hiding the checkbook, Boyd smile
<br>Till two months ago, I figured long range hunting was just a stunt. Not now.
<br>No, Keenvision is not paying me a commission, but, I hope they put me on the list for the next video.

Load smart. Load safe. Triple check everything. Never use load data from the 'net without checking against known, pressure tested load data. Typo's happen!!

Genius has limits; stupidity does not