Originally Posted by Birdwatcher
Long day today, and lessons learned.

First lesson was this morning, discovering the nylon pouch holding the LC9 and two nine round mags has been damp since there rain on Monday. OK I’ll fess up and, I ain’t been walking around in condition read on this trip. The handgun has been in a pouch in a pannier . Being heavy the handgun naturally gravitate to the bottom some water must have got in. Apparently Rugers ain’t like Glocks, the slide got pitted with rust, embarrassing. All the innards are still good And chain lube came in handy to oil down the outside.

Nother great breakfast at the cafe in Mason, great 30 mile ride to Brady TX across the San Saba. Stopped in a McDonalds to wait out a passing line of cells, wasn’t hungry had a small shake. Headed west for another 30 miles to Eden.

Whole different story; narrow road, fast heavy traffic, previous tailwind now a crosswind. Worse, the shoulder was rough chipseal, my bike soaks up vibration by design but chipseal slows you down, I swear some miles are longer than others. Four hours later I roll into Eden just thrashed, ready to fall off the bike.

Stagger into the little grocery store to buy the usual half gallon of milk, on impulse I grab a half gallon of buttermilk too. Chugalug the whole half gallon of buttermilk outside the store. Then immediately do the same to the milk.

Golly, suddenly I can ride again, another eight miles to a recommended rest area where I’m down for the night.

Tomorrow’s gonna be a challenge; 37 miles to San Angelo, even worse chipseal, no stores or restaurants en route.

Which restaurant? I've got 2 bothers living in Mason as well as my parents.

- Greg

Success is found at the intersection of planning, hard work, and stubbornness.