Originally Posted by pal
Couple suggestions:
Lighten the load.

Sir, with an answer like that I guessing you’re all about helmets, those silly spadex outfits, and those horrible crotch pad shorts that after just a couple of days on the road let EVERYBODY anywhere you stop know exactly how yer sweaty a$$ crack and crotch smells.

I ain’t gonna argue with the helmet but I am at a loss to know how to lighten my bicycle. 33 pounds gets you a wonderfully compliant steel frame that just soaks up chipseal vibes.

Ortleib panniers rock 😎 mine have been in daily commuting use for five years and 10,000 plus miles with nary a bobble. Likewise the top-of-the-line Tubus racks. But that combo does come in at about 20lbs.

Two gallons of water out here is nonnegotiable, add another 16lbs. So I’m at 70lbs BEFORE I start adding tent, bag, clothes, tools etc. If you got any ideas, I’m all ears

Leave earlier, before the heat of the day sets in.

Tks Captain Obvious grin Point of fact my best days ever have always started late morning, ride ‘till dark. I don’t even bother checking the forecast for temps anymore. I just assume it’s gonna be hot above the asphalt. Water, salt, calories and breaks as needed.

My single best day like this was 96 miles, noontime ‘till dark, when crossing Ohio in July of 2016. 90lb bike. Had I known how close a “Century” was I woulda pushed on another four miles.

Now that I’m getting the hang of it on this particular occasion I’m gonna shoot for 70 mile days next week.

"...if the gentlemen of Virginia shall send us a dozen of their sons, we would take great care in their education, instruct them in all we know, and make men of them." Canasatego 1744