Originally Posted by deflave
Originally Posted by 2legit2quit
If you’re going slower than me, you’re a doddering old fool

If you’re going faster than me, you’re a menace to society

If you see me on the road follow my lead, I’m driving how fast you should be 👍🏻😂

But what if I want to rollerblade from Chicago to St. Louis?

Will you be patient? I promise to wear a green vest.

Lol you should ask my kids 😂

Patient to a fault, that’s me to a tee 🤦🏼‍♂️

If you’re rollerblading and I pass you I hope we swap paint.

We’ve a perfectly good bike path that runs along the road we live on. And yet, wait for it, you’ll see spandex clad mofos riding on the road 😡

When you ask why for chissakes are they doing so, they say the bike path has families riding bikes, walking their dogs, jogging etc. and they’re going too slow for their bikes 😳

Share the road my azz, share the path and get off the fing road.

More than a few may have heard from my truck “get off the fing road” my wife is mean like that 🤥

I'm pretty certain when we sing our anthem and mention the land of the free, the original intent didn't mean cell phones, food stamps and birth control.