Originally Posted by Birdwatcher
Originally Posted by Simoneaud
Birdwatcher is this how it ends? how about the tales from visiting with big Jim? and the trip home?


The Havre Buffalo Jump weren't open yet, and advertised "Native America Guides" which indicated a price of admission, and there are Native American Guides and Native American Guides of course, not all of whom know much about what they are talking about. There is a strong Indian presence up on the Hi-Line (Blackfoot, Rocky Boys and Fort Berthold Rezzes??) as reflected in the hyperbole of some of the historical markers, like this one for the Bear Paws Battllefield....

[Linked Image]

I had been repeatedly running into traces of the Nez Perce on this trip all the way since Yellowstone.

No one argues that the Nez Perce got the short end of the stick, and both the record of their flight and their skill in battle turned out to be remarkable. I suppose the language in the marker ain't any more extravagant than any number of markers about White guys in other places. I do wish tho somebody would mention Poker Joe, one of those important bit players in history that often get overlooked.

Exactly, reads just like a confederate monument. subtext, "it tweren't fair, I know we could lick 'em in fair fight, if we just had a do over"

Originally Posted by jorgeI
...Actually Sycamore, you are sort of right....