Bird, you need “fuel” in your water while mashing peddles, not just water.

This is the best there is.

This is what you need. Go to the dealer locator at the top, and see if you can stop somewhere on your route and obtain some. It will solve your cramping, balance your GI and stabilize your sugars, and more. It simply works. I know. I’ve used it for over a decade when mashing peddles long distances or competing in endurance events.

You can add it to your water or make a paste and put in a small squirt bottle, and use it in combination with your water.

Have a safe trip.

You won’t have to stand up out of your saddle as much with this fuel in your water (body).

Load your body with fats: buttermilk, real butter, cheeses, fatty meats, etc, not carbs. Ditch the bread on sandwiches. Carbs are worthless, and only spike your blood sugar. What you don’t burn turns to fat. Unhealthy.

The “load up with Carbs” is wrong. Carbs > sugar > energy = WRONG

Fat > Energy = RIGHT.

High Carb intake is what is causing the diabetic epidemic in this country.

Your body utilizes energy better from fats burned for energy without the blood sugar spikes you get from carbs.

Do animals in the wild build up fat or carbs, to burn, to make it through Winter ?

Mother Nature has it right.

Man (Medical Industrial Complex) changed it to Carbs, to prosper from, after others get sick with diseases which being overweight brings on.

Carbs NO. FATS Yes.

I rest my case.

Be safe.

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)