Birdie you got that Registered sex offender look down with that new Walmart outfit😂😂👍. Might want to change outfits when you meet your friends wife

At least vehicles see you better when riding
And “Cotton ain’t rotten” in desert climate

We give you a lot of schit but you’re getting it done. Not many on here, me included, would do what you’re doing on your bike. I did the Seattle to Portland ride years ago but on a much lighter bike in one day.

Safe travels

Originally Posted by Birdwatcher
Driving with some other guy’s wife for 1,000 miles sounds like a super good idea.

I ain't seen or talked directly to this woman since about 15 years when they left San Antonio, tho I've been in regular contact with her husband. With some people, you just resume the conversation where you left off like it was yesterday. Better yet, her and my buddy raised two sons, so she's used to being around guys but yeah, I gotta watch my p's and q's.

Anyways more photos to close out yesterday. I found a heavy 100% cotton 3X sports shirt at the Mennonite WalWart in Seminole on sale for $5. It works, an outerlayer of cotton really does block the sun, hold sweat and provide evaporative cooling. Makes me look like..... something or other...... but it works, and still beats the crap out of spandex.... besides who's gonna mess with a guy dressed like this? And who would guess that guy was packing a container of 9mm bear spray if'n they did?

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Scenic view north out of Seminole.... I believe this is approaching Seagraves, when ya see a watertower on the horizon in only about 45 minutes to an hour you'll be at their convenience store IF they got one. Quite a few names with no towns out here, but I ain't yet come across a watertower with no town attached.

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This place has seen better days. Ruins on the Plains always seem like they must have sad stories attached.

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I was forty miles away in Brownfield when I realized my buddy's wife was still at Tech, good thing too, I was gonna end the day at Wolffield which is now the outer band of Lubbock, and not the good side from what I seen. I did come across this tho.....

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The last twenty miles out of the eighty I was racing a storm cell in, seems to happen a lot up on the Panhandle, keeps you motivated at least, anyways on this occasion I won. Tremendous sunset under it getting into Lubbock.

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The last five miles took me 90 minutes, Hwy 62 in turns into a de-facto interstate through town, with no access road to ride in so me and google was on our own. Didn't help any them inner-city prairie dogs in those urban prairie dog ghettos was calling me names. The herds of jack rabbits were quite graceful tho.

On this whole thing so far I am a tad bummed out I never got into Hobbs, NM, just about three miles from the State Line where I was. The first time I was through Hobbs was more'n thirty years ago, I was on a motorcycle, the sign out front of the Dairy Queen said "WE HAVE BANANAS TODAY" grin