Last night's camp....

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My campsite buddy...

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The cockpit, note the mirrors, and the watch. If you measure your progress in miles it'll drive you nuts, 7-10 mph takes FOREVER to get anywhere, specially when you're weary and beat.

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OTOH 2 1/2 hours to Big Spring is doable,watch the watch, not the mileage signs.

For better or worse, these things are what West Texas looks like now....

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Looking down on Big Spring, from just over the top of the North Concho River Drainage. In the 1840's that spring was the rallying point and the N.Concho Valley the route for the big Comanche raids into Mexico. Forty-niners headed to California used that same spring and brought cholera with 'em, resulting in an estimated 10,000 Comanche deaths that winter. That and a major drought in the '50's hammered the Comanches in this part of Texas.

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Made good time, 25 miles to Big Spring in two hours but arrived tired and cranky. Found the WalMart, bought a phone case. Found the McDonald's so I'm able to post images here. Ordered a meal, put my head down and slept for an hour. 1pm now.

46 miles to Lamesa, six hours or less. 8 1/2 hours of light remaining. 2,000 ft elevation here, 2,900 in Lamesa. Doesn't sound like much but I can see and feel the sunlight getting more intense as I gain in elevation.

Gonna rest a bit and then mosey on over to HEB for water, a half gallon of milk for that evening and prob'ly a half gallon of chocolate milk to power my way en-route.

"...if the gentlemen of Virginia shall send us a dozen of their sons, we would take great care in their education, instruct them in all we know, and make men of them." Canasatego 1744