He apparently doesn't visit the Campfire very often, but after thinking about his posts I think bullet companies are missing a good marketing scheme.

It could be called the Mathematical Model of Penetration (MMOP) Seal of Approval, with a nifty symbol such as a circle with a slash across a 6-point bull elk, and include a numerical rating for how deeply a bullet is predicted to penetrate when shooting a bull up the wazoo. After all, that's the scenario suggested by many hunters during bullet arguments: "It's the last hour of the last day of an expensive 10-day hunt in Wyoming, and the only mature bull you've seen the entire time is running directly away through the timber. What sort of bullet do you want in the chamber of your rifle?"

The MMOP Seal on a box would prove the bullets inside had been comprehensively computer-modeled before being shot into test media or animals. Hunters would start demanding to "see the seal," and bullet companies could up the price to more than cover the computer-program costs.

“Montana seems to me to be what a small boy would think Texas is like from hearing Texans.”
John Steinbeck