You do realize he has no upper berm so there is nothing baffling the sound and you do realize I'm only 200 feet away down range right?? So you're telling me if I came about 200 feet from you and shot a 50 BMG and you had no ear protection on that wouldn't effect your hearing? Yes there is a ton of research behind it which is why the military is trying to contract all their 50 BMG have suppressors even with their ear protection .. I have literally been in my house and on video call with client who jumped because it scared the crap out of them when he fired. We have neighbors who is an ex ranger scout who lives 6 blocks up easily and he can hear it clear as day in his home.. You are correct though I will have the burden of proof lucky for my husband and I we both had baselines showing we had no hearing issues prior to this and now I have ringing in my right ear all the time on and off the first few days always after he fires,I get massive headaches now from the constant ringing and I can't hear really loud pitched noises on the hearing test and in today's testing it's pretty hard to fake a test with the technology they use especially when they know it is documentation that will subject in a suit. We have not filed that suit just yet, the collective suit we have with the other households has kept us busy enough.

No one is saying he can't have a range either, he just needs to take the safety precautions that a responsible person would do. Tell me one range you have ever been to that will allow you to shoot a fully automatic or 50 BMG that has absolutely no berm above the ground? You do understand all he has is the hole he dug right? He has no dirt even above the ground, he took the dirt from the hole he dug out and used that to level his lot rather than using it as a back stop above the ground which might have made a little more sense. I'm sure if you could envision your neighbor goes out 200 feet behind you digs a hole then comes out on level ground not in the hole but level ground and starts to aim at you... Yeah as long as he aims down and knows how to shoot, chances are you should be ok, but man if he's off and it's not hard to be off when you're siting a rifle and off 1" makes a huge difference now how would you feel about him aiming that at you knowing there is nothing in between you and him at all but a few trees? You can see my house in the background of the video to see it's not a ton of trees either between us.