1 Any parent truly concerned that their child is in danger moves the child out of danger right the fugg now.

Said parent does not send said child out to play in the perceived danger zone, and dare the neighbor to injure said child. Unless, of course, it is supposed that said injury would be a furtherance toward litigation.

So, one of two things is true. Either the mother does not truly believe any danger exists, or else the mother is willing to sacrifice the life of the child in her vendetta against the offending neighbor.

2 Is any person struck in the head by a 60 gr bullet at 2900 fps, or a 150 gr bullet at 2900 fps any less dead than a person struck in the head by a 750 gr bullet at 2900 fps? Is the person less dead if said bullet is fired from a Ruger #1, than if it were fired from an AR 15, than if it were fired from an M-16?

Since the answers to these questions are plainly obvious to any with an IQ above 80, why then all the rhetoric about "50 BMG", "military grade", and "full auto" weapons? Looking for sympathy votes from the woefully ill-informed?

3 Claims of hearing loss suffered from inside a house by gunfire situated 500 ft from her house? By a person who claims to be an avid shooter?

That would be like me suing my employer for my hearing loss when I spent years running chainsaws, riding dirt bikes, and a lifetime shooting guns. It is not going to fly.

I would suggest such a compainant purchase a recording graph sound meter and demonstrate a history of sustained sound levels inside her home in excess of 80 decibels, and demonstrate that the source of that sustained noise level is the neighbor's gunfire.

I would guess that is not happening. Claims of hearing loss attributed to the neighbor's gunfire are spurious at best, most likely malicious.

Hint: My benchrest is about sixty feet from the master bedroom window in our mobile home. My wife usually is not even aware that I am shooting the 22-250, 243, 6MM, or 260. She does hear the 30-06, and she definitely heard when I was shooting a MK V in 340 Wea with a Wea muzzle brake installed. Oh, no she does not suffer any hearing loss.

Since sound dissipates at a cube rate with distance, the muzzle blast is 1/125,000,000 as loud at 500 feet as it is at one foot. It is exponential, man! grin (I am welcome to any more versed in physics to correct me if I am mistaken in this calculation) The "Sonic Crack" of the bullet has no relevance, as it never passes over the house in question.

Someone here is throwing a whole lot of schitt against the wall in hopes some of it will stick.

And, who the hell knows? With the preponderance of liberal anti gun judges infesting our courts today, she just might win. Everyone in the county might very well end up driving fifty miles to find a place to legally fire a weapon.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.