Ms. Misty,

I've been reading this post with interest, as you live in one of what I consider to be one of the most desirable spots in FL left to live. I've been in FL for 50 years, so I may know "a little" about that. One of my dear departed Dad's best friends lives not far away from you on a tributary off the river, across from the old fish camp, if you know where I mean. The names will remain nameless.

The way I see it, you can boil your problem down into 2 bullet points.

1. You live in one of the last red counties / holdouts of personal freedom that have a desirable mix of rural vs urban in Florida.
2. That makes it difficult to remove people's rights via new laws, or even litigation.

Note to you: Wish you hadn't started the references to your body, because you opened a pandora's box to criticism and humor at your expense. Please don't do that to yourself in front of a judge or a jury of your peers. The pushback from other jealous females alone would be enough to sink your initiative. Watched one of my ex-gf's make that same mistake from a close-up and personal distance and it ended up costing her dearly. It would be a silent attack, and you'd never be able to prove anything.

Personally, I wouldn't want a range like that behind my house, either. Especially, with disregard to the direction of fire and the condition of the berm. Many moons ago, I saw a friend have a fair bit of trouble for an errant round from a large caliber handgun ricocheting off a steel target and hitting someone much farther away than your house is from that neighbor's range.

On the + side for you, that range may never be completed now. It's kinda smelling that way.

All legalese aside, I wish you and your family the best of health.

Slaves get what they need. Free men get what they want.

Rehabilitation is way overrated.

Orwell wasn't wrong.

GOA member
disappointed NRA member