Originally Posted by IndyCA35
Another thing occurring to me.

One time I was shooting a 200 yard sitting rapid fire match with an M1 Garand. In such matches, after firing the first two, you load and fire an 8-round en bloc clip. You're in a tight sling. Well, the M1 went full auto for the last three rounds because the hammer hooks or something had worn. Obviously I was not expecting this and the muzzle climbed, despite the tight sling. I'm pretty sure no rounds went over our 50-foot hill behind the impact area but, from the pictures, I think some wouldhavegone over the perp's ridiculous trench. And what if it happened on the first round out of the clip, instead of after five?

Full of schitt story again.
# stilltryingforouttatheazzrelevancy
Originally Posted by IndyCA35
Originally Posted by renegade50

You dont know a fugging thing

full of schit,

fugging lies

Blow me.....


All the fughing time...

Fughing idiot

Do you have any rational comments or counterpoints to make about anything I posted?

Plenty ....
You want me to pick em apart.
Here is one to start with....

Whats your sons CMF desiginator.
Surely a proud dad would know that.
What his unit?
But then again you been on here for years.
1st time I ever heard about you having a son whose was a firld grade in the infantry.
I have a incredible memory.
You have a officer son in the infantry would never escape it
It would have gone into the storage bank big time.

Oh another one you fugged up on

Volunteer buddies of yours going to benning to teach the cadre how to use 77 smk,s.
Your fughing stupid dude
What was their POI and MOI
How long was the feilding and when
What ranges did they use per Bldg 4
What is Bldg 4

Sorry bud that aint happening
Paid civilian contractors feild systems .
Fugging moron just making up schit on the fly is what your doing.

Can pick apart plenty of other schit you post also.

Might even make a sport of it for awhile.