Originally Posted by IndyCA35
Why do you think I am embarrassing myself? Have you ever shot against the Army AMU guys at the Nationals at Camp Perry? Ever beaten any? Won any 14kt gold medals (which they no longer give out) in national competition? Rubbed shoulders with any national champions. Been the state junior high power champion yourself (long time ago I admit)? Been president of a high power rifle club for 15 years?

Check with the CMP yourself. And then stop embarassing yourself by digging your own hole.

Sandbags and yesterdays don’t mean shît.

Blah blah blah, nationals, nationals,
I know a retard with Down syndrome that has a gold medal for bowling in Europe

Go run 300-400 yards and cut a buck off and drill him running through the boiler room in dense hardwood 150 yrds with a scope on 3 power.

fat guys, resting heart rate, still target, sand bags, 24x power scope...not impressed