Originally Posted by JeffA
Dear Misty,

I too once had a property that became compromised by a neighboring property owner.
Mine was also a noise issue but no flying bullets.

There was a commercial property between me and a very busy stretch of US 41 just north of Naples.
A nursery took over the commercial property shortly after I'd purchased my land/home, they were operating heavy equipment starting at about 5am every morning loading trees on trucks that were heading out to their jobs for the day.

The road noise from 41 was bad enough but the heavy equipment just ran the noise level over the top.

The nursery operators were in violation of the local noise ordinance by starting about an hour earlier than allowed.
I gave some serious thought to how to resolve the issue.

I decided to build a berm for sound proofing my property, the nursery owners even assisted with some equipment help, they allowed me to encroach on their property line with my berm, they even threw me some plants to help landscape the berm when I had it finished.

I've found that working with my neighbors can really pay off in the long run.

As I see it's been mentioned in this thread of the possibility of you getting a variance from the county considering the uniqueness of your situation for them to allow you to build a berm.

Have you attempted that?

Maybe your neighbor would allow you to build a berm on his side of the line if you can mend the relationship and try and work together on this for resolve...

Take a look at what a sound proofing berm can be if you use some creativeness.


You might not need a pond but a berm could enhance your home by a long ways if you are willing to accept some responsibility in reaching a conclusion on this that everyone can walk away happy with.

I also see your home is behind the neighbors shooting range but you really aren't in the direct line of fire you try to make people believe you are.

These images were taken February 4th 2020

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]
Close to right behind but no cigar...

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]
Looks like a nice clean job..

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]
Looks like he damn near might have the 40 or 45 feet he promised..
Something on top of that is casting a shadow, looks bermish to me

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]
Pretty nice pad he is building over there, appears there might be room for 8 or 10 cars to park inside.
The neighbor must have some resources to be able to afford such a sweet home.
He's probably had his battles in the past too, always somebody wanting to come after you if they think you have more than they do...

You should really take a long deep breath and think about a happy ended for all.

I believe Big Stick coined the phrase "reality ain't for everybody."


Originally Posted by Geno67
Trump being classless,tasteless and clueless as usual.
Originally Posted by Judman
Sorry, trump is a no tax payin pile of shiit.
Originally Posted by KSMITH
My young wife decided to play the field and had moved several dudes into my house