well you know I can't tell you our strategy, I'm sure they have creepers stalking for info because they have stalked all my profiles since then smile I will say we have several grounds to file and confident on our stance. I never take on a legal battle I'm not confident in because otherwise as some one else pointed out, we just bought our attorney a yacht rather than our own yacht... All of us neighbors discussed fees and who was willing to spend what and how far we were willing to go with it so I hope he has deep pockets because he's going to need them smile It would've been cheaper for him to have bought more land or done it properly to begin with. Let's just say he has not moved in yet either and we're all curious how his bank who holds the liability right now is going to take a suit being filed against the property he hasn't even closed his loan on yet... You would've thought he would at least wait to satisfy his mortgage loan before having a litigation brought against the property..