Originally Posted by akasparky
Nope, nope, nope...not at all.
It's know nothing voters such as you johnn that are a threat to our 2nd amendment rights.

Her neighbor has built a safe quality range that has been approved by every legal entity that has inspected it and he isn't even done with it yet.

I put much more faith into the opinion of the non-bias ones that have been inspecting it than I do this squawky little has been twit that is ranting all over the internet while flashing her tits and ass to attract attention to herself.

This guys range appears to be much safer than your average neighborhood street with big scary cars driving around on it.

So many just can't seem to look beyond this broads tits before they jump to a half baked conclusion on her neighbors shooting range...

Anyone that directs gunfire at some ones home is a moron, you must be related.....

For those without thumbs, it's s Garden fookin Island, not Hawaii