Originally Posted by Sprint11
Any number of agencies could, and would, shut it down if the found a legitimate and immediate public safety concern. If they haven't done so, you won't get it done.

You do realize that most of what you have blathered on this board would (not could, but would) be used against you if something were to happen and you tried to sue someone?
You believed yourself in danger. You had the time, opportunity, and means to remove yourself from that danger. You didn't because you're standing on the same stubbornness and property rights that your neighbor is.

All you're doing is paying for your attorney's new car and trying to get a little marketing for your "assets".

If you think your son is in danger, remove him from that danger. That is YOUR responsibility, regardless of your neighbors actions. If you don't, you suck as a mother.

ok so are you willing to buy my new house to provide for us to just up and move? Let me also get this straight it is your opinion that if one of the household members out here gets shot by this reckless guy that it would be our faults?? because we didn't all sell our brand new homes that we built and moved into before this guy who doesn't even live out here yet?? OKKKKKKKK

Let me remind you it isn't just my house either so should everyone out here just up and move or are we ALL crappy parents?
The paper trail is backwards too my dear, there is an extensive paper trail to both the state and county and the state has referred us to have the county address it and the only way to address it per the way the statue is written ( which I provided you the actual statues to educate yourself is to go through a court and you can also google Pasco county which is one county over and read about the Olympian who got shut down by her county but had to go through the courts,so again educate yourself before you come swinging at me...

As far attorney fees, again we are not the only house out here who retained the attorney she represents several homes out here not just us sighhhh she also had other firms reach out to her and offer their assistance as well. We found her through recommendation through the firm who sued the State of FL last year and WON on this issue...so let us worry about our attorney fees it's under control