My friend in New Zealand can buy suppressors over the counter- - - -no "Mommy May I" to the government or ridiculous license fees. However, when he shoots his non-suppressed rifles at his range, he has a mega-muffler- - - -about a dozen big truck tires bolted together on an angle iron rack just ahead of his shooting bench. With the muzzle of the rifle stuck into the hole in the middle a few inches, the sound gets moderated down to a muffled POP, and the neighbors are barely aware that he's shooting at all. With a 20" diameter hole to shoot through there's no problem seeing downrange.

Our soft porn bimbo could suggest something like that, and even split the cost of making it for a lot less than creating inflation in the legal beagle world! Not likely to happen, as she's getting her jollies from being a whiny beeotch and stirring the pot here on the fire!

Ignorance can be fixed. Stupid is forever!