If you are genuinely in fear for life, yes, it is your responsibility to remove yourself. As I said, if you have not, then you are being just as stubborn and standing on the same property rights that he is. No, I will not provide for you, it is not my,or anyone else's responsibility. It is yours. Get over it.

I realize that this is a great big deal to you. To everyone else here on this board, myself included, it is a minor distraction and simple amusement. Funny that you can't even see that you're a drama queen that doesn't understand why the masses aren't rising up to save little 'ol you.

If you have the money to waste on attorney, then you have the means to go live somewhere that the scary "military grade" weapons won't deafen you.

Side note: I get the feeling that the way your paragraphs are written and constructed is a lot like you must be in real life. One run-on sentence after another.