Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by Raspy
Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Superstitious people go for the stick and carrot. I don't worry about it, I have no reason to worry about it.

I am not superstitious.....just a believer and have no reason to worry either...I'm making my choice, and you are making your choice.

My position is the skeptical clean slate. I'm not chosing to not believe, i simply have no reason to believe. If something were demonstrably true, I would have no reason not to believe.

Why choose to beleve something that you don't know to be true?

Maybe because the enormous evidence (no proof).....so my question to you in return is this: Given “all that we know today,” what are the odds that unguided evolution resulted in organisms like us with such remarkable abilities? Should primates really be good at physics, given our current theories in evolution and physics?

After all, natural selection sifts for genetic variations and traits that provide survival advantage. But producing humans with the cognitive hardware and software capable of discovering subatomic particles would have been overkill. Our actual intellectual abilities would have been wasteful luxuries — at least on the African savanna where our ancestors, we are told, were running from cheetahs or whatever.

So, neo-Darwinian evolution would have gone far above and beyond the call of duty. It’s not impossible, I suppose, but it seems highly unlikely, given our current theories of physics and evolution. And it is those very theories that supposedly show that God doesn’t exist. There’s an extreme tension here. In any case, given all that we know today — given what science has told us — how can you be so confident about your atheism?

Illegitimi non carborundum