Originally Posted by Hastings
There is hope when someone will say "I don't know or I don't understand". If a Stephen Hawking tells you with a certainty that this universe began when all this matter collapsed into a particle smaller than an atom and created an explosion that turned loose all the matter and has sent it at incredible velocity out into space which in turn produced our finely tuned rhythmic rotating and orbiting universe and that is all there is to it. Well, there isn't any hope of bringing that person back to thinking there is a supernatural first cause.
What does this mean?
Hope for what? Hope that I may eventually be fooled, or bullied, or coerced into proclaiming I believe the same mythology as you?

No, I do not proclaim to know what happened before the "big bang". Nor even if the umiverse is eternal. I had long assumed the universe was cyclic and eternal. But evidence is growing that such may not be true.

As to the organization of the heavans? The laws of Physics dictate such. It is the only way it can be. The astroid belt shows what happens when planetary orbits become destabilized.

The Chicxulub Crater is evidence of the meteor which killed all the dinosaurs, and caused the extinction of 3/4 of the plant and animal species on Earth at the time. Which goes to show that all those heavenly bodies are not really in such perfect, synchronous, or rythmic balance after all.

All we need is one more similar meteor impact and all this discussion will be moot for about the 66 million years it will take for the next dominant species to rise to the level of sentience that they may invent the next generation of gods.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.