Originally Posted by IZH27
Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by IZH27
You’ve made your decision and I’ve made mine. I’m happy to live out my life based on that decision.

The view that you guys have expressed here are nothing new and fall in line with the apologetical arguments that I’ve heard from atheists for the forty years that I’ve been listening. What you believe is of no consequence to me so I take no offense.

I have always been curious about the intensity and many times anger that I see from atheists. It’s obvious that you have spent a significant amount of time studying the Christian faith to the point that you know doctrine and history better than most Christian’s. It is also apparent that you have spent a significant amount of time studying/reading the writings of prominent atheists.

That being said, I have no desire to have long and drawn out discussions. I’ve been down that road and find it tiring. However, I am always curious to know what drives a person no matter the issue be it religious, political, personal pursuits etc.

Why have you devoted so much energy time and passion to a non existent God?

What is it that drives you to pursue discussions with Christian’s with a goal of convincing them that God is a fantasy?

We’re you raised in the Christian faith?

Have you had experience within the church or with church people good or bad?

Have you devoted this same energy to apologetical arguments against other religions?

No traps set. I’m genuinely curious.

In my case I was atheist right out of the gate. I'm amazed at how many people are investing so much time and passion into something they can't know to be true, especially when that something tells them they were born a piece of crap and can only hope for goodness after they are dead providing they abide by the immorals of a bully and worship them. These beliefs have, and still do, lead to atrocities, bigotry, hatred etc.

Reading the good books of the mainstream relgions is a good reason of why not to believe and worship. Most people are morally better than that purported of their gods.

Christians aren't the only ones claiming persecution, and they dish out persecution on others. You'll find sympathy in the dictionary.

Thanks for the explanation. I have no idea why you think I’m looking for sympathy. I certainly don’t feel persecuted or mistreated by some words on a computer screen. I’m certain I’d enjoy sitting in a bar with you and talking about this or any other topic while we killed off several beers.

I appreciate the civility, but the religious discussion over a beer is a bit of a fantasy - if I'm at a bar, it's because I'm there to enjoy myself, not to be preached at - that would not be a good idea. My friends are atheists and, amongst other things, we will occasionally make fun of believers and their beliefs. It's generally accepted and only some of the believers seem to get perturbed by it.

Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by Raspy
Whatever you said...everyone knows you are a lying jerk.

That's a bold assertion. Point out where you think I lied.
