Originally Posted by Raspy
You don't realise that evidence is proof, and confirms a proposition. You see stuff that you think is evidence, but without a valid proposition, it's just stuff without a valid proposition. You claim it's evidence for your invalid proposition.[quote/]

Evidence will never be 100% — there’s always the chance that everything you think you know turns out to be false — but the evidence allows you to make current-best-evidence-guesses….We can build up piles and piles of evidence for ideas. When the pile reaches a certain height, it behooves us to begin to take it rather seriously. That is, until someone removes a critical piece from the bottom of the pile, and the entire edifice comes crashing down.

Proof is the final verdict that removes all doubts, whereas evidence only leads one in the direction of a fact or statement....now, as for me, because of all the evidence, I am a true believer.

Probability. Given an absence of evidence and plenty of claims. How likely is that Allah exists and Mohammad was His prophet? How likely is it that Brahman manifests the Universe and is all that exists? You know that God is not believed to be the same even in Abrahamic faiths? Christianity has Jesus as the son of God, sacrificed himself for the sin sin of mankind, etc, Judaism does not have this belief. It can't all be true.