Originally Posted by antlers
Fanatical atheism can clearly be just as ugly as religious fanaticism can be. Some atheists are clearly frustrated and bothered by the theist beliefs of others, and often come across just as patronizing and condescending as they accuse those theists of being.

That's a sad lament you have going. Are there violins playing in the background?

Sure, there are hard atheists who make an ideology of it...many, if not most atheists don't do that.

Basically it's a simple thing; a lack of conviction based on a lack of convincing evidence.

As for here and now, there are theists arguing for Christianity (their own theology) and there are others (you know who) that argue against faith for the given reasons.

It doesn't matter to me what you believe, it's just a discussion. I come online and make a few comments. That's not fanatical, you are doing the same.