Originally Posted by IZH27
Paul goes into great detail in Roman’s to demonstrate that the Covenant with Abraham, the covenant of salvation, preceded the law. It was faith/belief that was counted. Not adherence to Law.
And that is why many in the Hebrew Roots Movement despise Paul. Calling him “a schizophrenic” and saying “he’s been known to hallucinate” and saying other derogatory things about him. Despite the fact that Jesus clearly said that Paul was handpicked by Him to carry the Gospel to the Gentiles ‘and’ to the Jews.
Originally Posted by IZH27
Salvation has never been attained or maintained by the law.
Apostle Peter would be quick to say “I’m tellin’ ya’ I was in the home of a Roman centurion and I saw God do for those Gentiles exactly what God did for us Jews 20 years ago. And they did not have the Mosaic Law, they don’t know the Mosaic Law, they’ve never done ‘anything’ to become Jewish, and yet I saw God accept them just as He did for us.”

Apostle Peter made it clear that it was time for the Jews to accept the fact that God had done what He was going to do for them, and now He’s doing something for the entire world and they (the Jews) need to be a part of it.

Even though it means letting go of, and setting aside, the traditions and the Mosaic Law (the old covenant) that they’d grown up with.

Apostle Peter knew that Christianity was ‘not’ Judaism 2.0, that it was ‘not’ an add-on, that it was a stand-alone ‘say goodbye to the past’ brand new movement and New Covenant.

Every day on this side of the ground is a win.