Originally Posted by DBT
The verses state quite clearly that God is responsible for evil, that God creates evil, that God creates not only evil, but the 'evildoer for the day of evil,'
This is explicitly stated in verse.

It might seem that if God created all things, then evil must have been created by God. However, evil is not a “thing” like a rock or electricity. You cannot have a jar of evil. Evil has no existence of its own; it is really the absence of good. For example, holes are real, but they only exist in something else. We call the absence of dirt a hole, but it cannot be separated from the dirt. So when God created, it is true that all He created was good. One of the good things God made was creatures who had the freedom to choose good. In order to have a real choice, God had to allow there to be something besides good to choose. So, God allowed these free angels and humans to choose good or reject good (evil). When a bad relationship exists between two good things, we call that evil, but it does not become a “thing” that required God to create it......I can expound more, but I hope it makes sense, as it does to most Christians..

Illegitimi non carborundum