There seems to be a few consistencies with atheists. They know more about theology and church than most Christian’s They tend to base arguments about the metaphysical from a purely materialistic view of evolution. This is intellectually weak and dishonest. They make demands that God be understood by their criteria alone. They know too much about the Christian faith to have not been in it or seriously challenged by it.
Some of us are eager to learn about other peoples beliefs, legends, mythology.

I took Bible studies.with a couple.different denominations. I studied Bible History in College. In elementary and middle school I read The Illiad and The Odyssy, and thereafter every text I could get hold of about Greek, Roman, and Norse mythology.

I came away believing Jesus the Son of God and Yaweh the Creator of the Universe were as real as Zeus, Apollo, or Thor.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.