I haven’t found that “most Christians gag if they say they are sinners.” Bein’ a sinner seems to be pretty much of a core and universal belief among the professing Christians that I’ve interacted with. But I have noticed that many of em’ seem to view certain cherry-picked sins of others as being worse than their own, and they’ll usually trot out the “God says it’s an abomination” rhetoric pertaining to that one sin that they’ve cherry-picked while completely ignoring ALL of the other sins that the Bible also describes as an “abomination” as well.

It makes sense to me that if an “abomination” is something that is offensive to God and His character, and an “abomination” separates people from God, that ALL sin (missin’ the mark of God’s perfection) can be considered an “abomination”. SO much so, that that’s the reason that He sent Jesus.

Every day on this side of the ground is a win.