Originally Posted by DBT
Originally Posted by Hastings
Originally Posted by AcesNeights
Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by CCCC
Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Looks like the theists have run out of steam. Antlers is in misdirection mode, CCCC is producing bafflegab and Raspy is patting them all on the backside and saying "good job".
Over and above the other of your failures, you are delusional if you believe what you posted.

Just remember that any premise beginning with "God made..." or "God created..." is invalid despite any evasive side arguments.

You should remember that any premise based upon the presumption of no God or beginning with “I don’t know why/what/how [blank] happened but God didn’t…..” is invalid despite your deflection and obvious confusion.

Just because you wrongly believe what you posted doesn’t mean it’s true. 😉
There is hope when someone will say "I don't know or I don't understand". If a Stephen Hawking tells you with a certainty that this universe began when all this matter collapsed into a particle smaller than an atom and created an explosion that turned loose all the matter and has sent it at incredible velocity out into space which in turn produced our finely tuned rhythmic rotating and orbiting universe and that is all there is to it. Well, there isn't any hope of bringing that person back to thinking there is a supernatural first cause.

Believing that there is a supernatural cause is an assumption, an illusion of knowledge where no knowledge exists.

''I don't know how the universe came to be'' is the honest position.

Faith doesn't provide the answers, it just gives believers the illusion of answers.

If there is a God, whatever that may be, God appears to have no interest in dealing with us openly.

Instead we have self appointed representatives assuming to speak on behalf of whatever God they are spruiking.

Most scientist do know how the universe came to be...despite some materialists proposing “time before the Big Bang”, there is no evidence for it all. Despite Physicists such as Victor Stenger postulating “Pre-Big Bang time”, or what Stephen Hawking calls, “Imaginary Time” there is no proof for it, whereas, there is much proof for there being a beginning. This is why it is rejected by most Cosmologists because the evidence points to a "singularity" of the beginning of space, time, energy and matter. Far from time being meaningless in the moments of the Big Bang, the timing of the expansion rate from the moment of the Big Bang was critical.

Illegitimi non carborundum