Originally Posted by CAPITALIST
I get it. Sin can be dileriously fun and we don't want there to be God or conscience or penalties. We're like kids hiding their head under pillows yelling, "You can't see me!"

God is real, we do have a conscience (no matter how well we have stifled it) and there are consequences to our actions or lack thereof.

Like I said, put your beliefs under the microscope and watch that movie "A Case for Christ". Its not even 2 hours long and for most of the movie, you'll totally agree with him. Lee Strobel was in your same boat about 40 years ago or so.

Can you see Zeus? Can you see Odin, Allah, Brahman, Shiva, etc? We can no more see, detect or interact with the god of the bible than the other god's that humankind has believed in. It's not event the same version of god between the OT and the NT, in the early days, the god of the tribe of Israel was a part of a pantheon, Yahweh the greatest of the gods.

Nor does quoting from creationist sites, especially on matters of science, biology, paleontology, astronomy, the age of the universe, etc, is absurd. It's absurd because they begin with a conclusion, special creation, and try to shoehorn everything into that model.