Originally Posted by 673
Originally Posted by Jordan Smith
I just sent this to all the AB senators. Doubt it'll have any effect, but it's worth the couple of minutes it took to write. Feel free to repurpose if you have a use for it.

"Dear Senator ______,

I am writing to you as a citizen of Canada and a resident of Alberta. Recently, it has been proposed that Bill C-21 include language which would legislate the banning of a large category of firearms from citizen ownership, including most semi-automatic firearms which are currently owned and used legally by millions of Canadians. The body of evidence, as well as law-enforcement expert opinion, both strongly suggest that such an action will not have a meaningful impact on violent crime in Canada, and what is worse, such an action reduces the ability of the citizenry of Canada to provide for itself and protect itself from criminal and tyrannical attacks. Canada was founded on the idea of a free, democratic society in which liberty and safety should be enjoyed by all law-abiding citizens. The bill in question would do little to nothing to ensure such safety, while substantially eroding the liberty of law-abiding Canadian citizens.

I strongly oppose Bill C-21 in its entirety, and urge you to do all within your power to prevent it from being enshrined in Canadian law."
Is your letter intended to influence the Senate to not pass C-21 in the Senate?
Ideally, but even if all it does is make one voter's voice heard, that's better than nothing.