Dwayne, thanks for the inclusion on your reply on the other site. I tend to agree with you on all points.

I use the word tend in that Personally I am more emphatic in the distrust of anyone in the NDP caucus. When a party signs an agreement to prop up a government that is beyond morally corrupt they then in my view are worse.

I did send through a number of emails and letters to members in all parties on C21 not addressing the issue of crime and instead focusing law abiding citizens when it first came. My anger mounted with the sneaky amendments and flat out lies coming out of Liberal mouths.

The problem now is the press. The CBC has a spin going the C21 was repealed. I watch a video of PP challenging the CBC reporter on this and saying that the CBC was carrying water for Trudeau again. The spin of the press will make it seem that the Liberals listened and pulled back. This will appease the unknowing voters.

As others have stated the pressure needs to continue and get the OIC / C21 repealed in their entirety.

I am glad the PC’s finally have a leader that will stand up, openly call out Trudeau for the moron he is and the dishonest press.

All the best for the day
