Pricedo on firearms you are one bad election away from becoming what Canada is now facing. What would happen with the house, senate and president all being democratic and the president at that circumstance being an Obama or Biden?

I watch the number of trial runs that democratic leaders in California, NJ and other states take at your 2A and just think that it is only a matter of time before something one of them does sticks.

I admire your constitution but even you have to admit that 2A has been under serious pressure the last few years. Yes there is push back but the pressure against is increasing not dropping off.

On the RCMP what used to be a fine force is now a political tool - High River and Nova Scotia has shown both sides of the country that. In your case the politicalization of the FBI, ATF and Homeland Security must be troubling.

So sad to say I think our current situation could be your future.
