Top of the morning to you sir, I trust you're getting decent weather on this first Friday of February.

Hopefully you'll forgive me for a bit of a cut and paste exchange on a BC forum.

"Round Buoy said:
Things that were reconfirmed today:
1) CBC is panicking and so biased it’s unbelievable. They must go!
2) The NDP would do the same if they had a majority.
3) Pierre is on fire and the rest of political world is reeling.
4) Liberals cannot be honest. Ever.
Glad we won this round but the fight never goes away.

Round Buoy;
Morning to you sir, I hope you're well out on your section of the world - you're not in the Gar anymore right?

Anyways random thoughts from an over caffeinated semi-geezer this morning regarding your list.

1. Amen, can't happen soon enough - Jan. 31, 2023 would be good.

2. This mess is brought to us by the NDP - which some of us pointed out to them in our letters. It's on their heads that we're here because their leader has decided that he likes the prospect of a fat pension which will continue to allow him to wear $5000 suits and $10,000 watches. This is squarely on them.

3.The one good thing about O'Toole losing the last election is that it's brought forth Pierre as a leader for sure, but others like Dane Lloyd, Raquel Dancho, Larry Brock and Melissa Lantzman have impressed me. Ms. Dancho is a pit bull but an exceptionally bright one, as is Ms. Lantzman.

4. No, not ever apparently - and none of them can read either - sorry for repeating myself but can any of them read?

Best to you this weekend.


Thanks for reading this far Hugh and no we can't trust them in any way, shape or form and yes this is likely a bait and switch as well as an election tactic.

They are at very least the very worst government in the time I've been alive, no question.

Since they are subsidizing the media to such an extent that unbiased reporting is impossible on most issues, it's one of the few things that side does well - use what they've bought that is. They do have the media helping them though, there is that.

Lastly I'll continue to suggest that both sides are in our respective corners now, getting a drink, having the cuts attended to and awaiting the bell. The bell is going to ring because we've all still got the gloves on and both sides know this isn't over.

Perhaps there are enough of us who have been paying attention when they showed us their cards this time?

Let's hope and pray so and as always, we'll see.

Best to you all.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"