Originally Posted by 673
I never paid much attention to this gentleman, should have, but I also have been wondering where the Christians are?.
A short video, pay attention around the 8:00min of the video.


Good morning my friend, I see by the light on that you've survived one more night of cold - as we have too apparently - I trust you and your fine family are healthy as well.

Thanks for that video, I appreciate it and honestly I have to think about what was said more before I formulate any coherent response.

I was tracking both Pastor Artur and Pastor James Coates in Edmonton who were both jailed during the lockdowns, in part through family who are ordained ministers, so it was hitting close to home let us say.

As we've chatted about, I still find it puzzling and not a little bit concerning that the supposed right leaning folks in Alberta allowed some of the fines and arrests like those and the kids playing hockey in an outdoor rink, etc. Here in the admittedly left of left land of BC we didn't go to those extremes - again puzzling.

If I'm remembering right, I've mentioned that I grew up attending a pacifistic church, not Mennonite but definitely pacifistic. When I'd discuss it with my late Father, he'd say for instance when Christ admonishes the disciples in the last supper to sell their cloak and buy a sword, that Christ was referring to the sword meaning the written word of God in that instance.

When I asked how Peter chopped the servant's ear off with a scroll, that was only one instance to glorify God and an anomaly.

So help me 673, I did not view it that way and remain that way.

When I read that two of the inner circle of disciples were packing swords - so today it would be a sidearm - a Glock no doubt - my conclusion is that Jesus not only knew about it but accepted it. They lived and traveled in an area of the world where as you put it once, everyone was conversant in the language of violence.

When Christ said to Peter to put the sword away, in that instance it was a specific instruction to allow God's plan to take place. For sure He said " “Put your sword back in its place,” Jesus said to him, “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword." - but and this is my thought alone - we're all going to die somehow and in some way. Christ does not say if we die by the sword it in any way affects our eternal soul that I can see.

The other incident which leads me to believe that is Jesus' interaction with the Centurion. Especially Luke's writing of the story is interesting, as Luke was writing to Gentiles as well and it's telling - to me - that Christ didn't say, "Well you know you're a pretty bad fellow who leads a violent life. If you stop being a Centurion I could heal your servant, but as it stands you're not worthy"...

Again that's not what happened at all is it? I'll let anyone who is interested in some recreational reading to look up how one became a Centurion in the Roman Army, especially on the Judean frontier which was the wild west so to speak.

Anyways, that's where I'm at this morning regarding some of the stuff we're discussing. Like most things in life too, I could well be dead wrong about this too, but I will say I've given a lot of soul searching, prayer and reading to get to where I'm at. Again, that doesn't mean I'm right, for sure I've got family who remain pacifists and do not share my beliefs in this matter.

Merry Christmas to you all and all the best in the New Year.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"