Originally Posted by bushrat
Originally Posted by troutfly
Hey guys,
. Push them to direct the efforts towards fighting gangs and smuggling and the social evil that takes a hold of Canadian youth and turns them to gangs. We can all support that as the answer is in that effort.
We can turn things around and take back our Canada!

That is exactly what Trudeau doesn't want, he wants more criminal and gang proliferation, hence the latest moves to lessen criminal sentences. He would like nothing more than a couple or three American style school shootings right now to help further his agenda. If he actually dealt with gangs and criminals he would have no reason to disarm the public. He cares not a whit about the public or its safety. What he wants is a disarmed helpless society because he fears future revolution against the gov't as he furthers his 'social' communist global agenda. The people who blindly support Trudeau and his NDP cohorts have no idea what is coming down the pipe as they worship this wolf in sheeps clothing in his attempts to help set the stage for future global dictatorship.
Exellent post by Troutfly and Bushrat^^^^

First, the ones involved in gun activity in BC are recent arrivals, look at Canada's top 25 most wanted, they are the ones Trudeau said not to worry about.

Second, as Troutfly points out to write letters, not only to the gun advocate MP's, but also to the NDP and Liberal MP's for the reasons he stated. As I said.....you never know when it winds up on someone's lap who has the "heart of a Lion". That person/s may have previously been on a different page than yourself, but now has a change of heart.... like an NDP MP who wants to jump ship, there was at least one Liberal that was very close recently.

Third, here is what the Liberal/NDP really do not want, the native Community at large to take a position against their globalist takeover, even though the leadership has been manipulated, the People haven't, they simply have no voice.

I am imploring you to write letters to your local/Federal Indian band governments, Metis Provincial representatives, the Dene Nation, and the Inuit governments in the North.
Some of us have friends involved in Native governance, ask them what they are doing if anything to oppose the Trudeau gun bans.

If they say nothing, then they need to know that their guns are going to if Trudeau is able to follow through. There is many differing personalities involved in Native governance, and I can assure you the "heart of a Lion" exists in that Community. The People may just go beyond what the sold out leadership won't.

Personally, I see a great opportunity here, remember this battle isn't over with one win, we need to win many battles.