Morning my friend, I hope you're all keeping warm enough and are well.

Thanks for continuing on with attempting to educate our fellow firearm owners and encouraging them to get involved. It's a start right?

I've taken to heart the CCFR's initiative to both email and write letters. I've sent them to the BC swing ridings with NDP MPs in them, just so they get a little extra amount of mail on their desks.

Last week or yesterday, forget which now, I did get a reply from my local NDP MP saying they were not supporting the amendments, which is positive, but he gets a letter anyways and we'll see if they follow through or not.

This morning I heard that possibly Yves Blanchet from the BQ is changing his tune so maybe Carey Price's twitter post is reaping some fruit?

I will say that I watched a debate on CPAC YouTube this morning with Rachel Bendayan from the Libs blatantly ignoring the listed firearms on the amendment. It's telling how they continue to look straight into the camera and not tell anything resembling the truth..

Again Raquel Dancho does great work on our behalf and the NDP guy is against the amendments but still thinks that all handguns and "weapons of war" need to be off the streets. They're consistent anyways 673, gotta give them that I suppose.

Lastly I've put up a bit of a post on my FacePlant page which admittedly is not a huge group, but as you mentioned, we just need to find a couple folks with hearts full of courage right?

That's all I know for now my friend.

All the best and we'll be in touch - the Good Lord willing - of course.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"