Originally Posted by HughW
The next step that the Liberal government (Dominic LeBlanc) have stated will be interesting. Formation of a special committee to review what firearms should be recommended to be banned. Who will be on this committee, what level of expertise, what happens with recomendations, how will public input be handled?

I expect more sneaky moves are underway.

We all likely can guess who the "experts" will be. While the CCFR, NFA, CSSA and CSAAA plus a few other pro groups will attempt to be selected, I expect it to be heavily stacked against the pro side by Poly et al. For frig sake, during the Senate committee hearings, good advice was put forward by highly reputable groups and individuals yet look who they listened to at the vote!
The Liberal scum are going to double down as they know this is very likely the last chance they will have to damage firearm ownership for quite some time. It is gonna get a bit Western I'm a thinkin!
